Sunday, May 30, 2010


Call time is 2pm.

Bring your secret pal gifts to the Strike Party in the cafeteria AFTER the show.

We must completely clear out the theater and surrounding areas prior to our party.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Scripts and CDs are DUE!

Just a reminder, that Scripts and CDs are due TOMORROW after the show!

Friday, May 28, 2010

50/50 Raffle and Opportunity Basket...

Friday and Saturday will be your last opportunities to participate in our 50/50 raffle. Your contributions help raise money for CYT and CYT scholarships- with 50% of the profits going home with the lucky winner!

Sunday we will feature a Opportunity Basket filled with several CYT souvenirs, featuring the hand-made, paper-crafted Into the Woods design by Jon Jacquet and Emma Thompson.

CYT Vancouver/Portland 2010 – 2011 Season of Shows

CYT Vancouver/Portland
2010 – 2011 Season of Shows
*all shows subject to change pending venue and royalty contracts
Portland Eastside
School House Rock, Live!


The Little Mermaid

Fiddler on the Roof, Jr.

Disney’s Mulan Jr.

Annie, Jr.


The Hobbit

Charlotte’s Web

Tom Sawyer

The Secret Garden

Robin Hood

Seussical on Saturday

For those traveling to see the show, there's good news: NO roadwork this holiday weekend.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

STRIKE Party Details

The following have signed up for the Strike Party Meal. If your name IS NOT on the list and you thought is was or would like it to be email me ASAP with the # of meals you would like. (Susan Warren at You may pay at the party.

Simon B.
Wayne H.


Set Up: Terri Hays, Sara Sy, Jennifer Guetter
Serving: Betty Low, Nancy Vincent, Carrie Thatcher, Ricki Rodriguez, Stephanie Starke
Clean Up: Ida Thomas, Stanley, Llafet

Monday, May 24, 2010

I need three volunteers...

to help during next weekend's shows. Another car was broken into yesterday, so I'd like to have someone sitting in their car near the front entrance of the parking lot from call time until the end of the show. Please let me know if you can help; I'm offering a pair of tickets for your time.

School Day Show Reminders

CALL TIME is 8:30am
Green Room is in the DRAMA classroom
Backstage, Costumes, Props, Hair/Make-up, Green Room may enter at 8am if you need to.

Two Shows: 9:30am and Noon

Lunchtime is between shows. If you did not order pizza and would like to please email Susan Warren at with you name and order choice: cheese, pepperoni or sausage. Bring your $3.50 on Tuesday morning.

Don't forget your Secret Pal gift.

Pictures will be taken after the noon show.

Pickup is at 2:45pm.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Call Time

Our CALL TIME today is 2pm. Please remember to wait until then to enter the building.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Notes from Stephen

Notes Opening

Nice job everyone!! What a wonderful show! Seriously, I had a smile on face the whole time!

Since this was only the second time getting through the whole show in one shot, I’ve taken just a few notes to help clean things up. Don’t worry, I want take any more notes the rest of the run! J (unless someone dies or something) So just a few thing to make the show even better!



o ALL: Act 1 opening-you have great volume on the “something in the glade there”. Have that same level of volume during the rest of the song!!

o ALL: Talking backstage—I’ve heard some reports; remember it can ruin the show.

o ALL: Words in act one finale!! Volume and enunciate

o ALL: Bows, start moving a little earlier (while the person in front of you is still bowing)

o ALL: Keep all costume pieces on (wigs, headpieces etc) when you go to meet kids.


o Nice work on your scene. Mitch can you hit Hayden with the sticks earlier? That section needs to go a little bit faster.

Woodcutter family:

o Excellent first cross on timing.

o And second cross looked good too! The happy reunion.

o “No one is alone” stand on “just remember” move on “Someone is one your side”


o “No one is alone” stand on “just remember” move on “Someone is one your side”


o Kelsey/travis come downstage more when witch talks to you at the end of act 1

o Lindsey/casey/abby: wait on entrance into 48a. Let Kelsey get to center before you enter.


o Kelsey/travis come downstage more when witch talks to you at the end of act 1


o Nice work! Way to carry it for us.

o Watch the “smee” voice J

o “ill leave you to your task” cross Down stage to ‘exit’ (you’re in the dark currently)

o 23a Alex/casey come downstage. You’re in the dark.

o Don’t forget the line “I don’t like that woman”

o “moo” don’t ask for the laugh. You’re serious.

o Casey/abby nice work on “It takes two” I heard “ahhs” from the old married couples J

o Lindsey/casey/abby: wait on entrance into 48a. Let Kelsey get to center before you enter.

o Lindsey/Collin/casey/aimee: last midnight. When she throws beans, you can make a little noise (“oh no” etc.) while going to get them.

o Great job with the limb!! Let’s try it tonight rolling it out with Jack/Baker on it already. I think it will work


o Well done, abby. You nailed it!

o When you enter on page 54, w/ the cow, enter down stage right, instead of center stage right. And you can bring the cow a little further onstage.

o “wait! I need your shoes” chase Cinder almost all the way off SL then run after the cow.

o Casey/abby nice work on “It takes two” I heard “ahhs” from the old married couples J

o Lindsey/casey/abby: wait on entrance into 48a. Let Kelsey get to center before you enter.


o Very nice work my friend. Especially when sick!

o When you stop in front of Cinderella’s Mother’s Tree (when on your horse), keep your feet galloping.

o Shorten pause on line “She… remains well.” Put the pause between she and remains, not before she.


o Good job again, Lindsey. Thank you for all your work!

o Lindsey/casey/abby: wait on entrance into 48a. Let Kelsey get to center before you enter.

o Lindsey/Collin/casey/aimee: last midnight. When she throws beans, you can make a little noise (“oh no” etc.) while going to get them.

o “No one is alone” stand on “just remember” move on “Someone is one your side”

o Lindsey/Collin/Aimee your pose during the end while casey tells story to baby-come more center. You were pretty far SL.

Step Family

o 1st midnight. There is plenty of room down stage right for you to be at the end. Use it! J


o Best work yet on “No more” Thank you.

o 23a Alex/casey come downstage. You’re in the dark.


o Nice reaction to C in castle at the top of act 2

o During lament, move SL more just behind Kyla

o “life was so… and now this” (after lament), start that line earlier; just a few seconds after R finishes song.


o Good curtain warmer,

o Find light in opening sections-sometimes speaking with face half in the dark.

o “cinderella’s stepmother” instead of “grandmother”

o Go ahead and make your reaction to the birds a little bigger. (I hate my job!)

o Your line “Meanwhile” in the opening section, wait for jack to exit with his cow before you say that. The laugh he gets covers your line.

o Beginning act 2, come out right after curtain warmer. We’re waiting on you, and your light will come up as soon as you enter.


o Excellent work on Giants in the sky.

o Take the cow more center down stage for “I guess” (you’re in between lights)

o Rachel/Jack “Look what I found” earlier entrance. Don’t let Casey get offstage.

o Lindsey/Collin/casey/aimee: last midnight. When she throws beans, you can make a little noise (“oh no” etc.) while going to get them.

o Great job with the limb!! Let’s try it tonight rolling it out with Jack/Baker on it already. I think it will work

o Lindsey/Collin/Aimee your pose during the end while casey tells story to baby-come more center. You were pretty far SL.


o Nice work!

o Can you play down the wobbly stepping in “steps of the palace” It will still be funny naturally.

o Lindsey/Collin/casey/aimee: last midnight. When she throws beans, you can make a little noise (“oh no” etc.) while going to get them.

o “No one is alone” stand on “just remember” move on “Someone is one your side”

o Lindsey/Collin/Aimee your pose during the end while casey tells story to baby-come more center. You were pretty far SL.


o Very strong work tonight. Thank you!

o Opening. Be on SL side of B/BW for “you too son”. Then x DSC for end of song.

o Rachel/Jack “Look what I found” earlier entrance. Don’t let Casey get offstage.

Chris s

o Very nice work and fun!

o Volume on your lines! The trumpet is overpowering you.

o Granny scene, pull the blanket down around your neck so that we can see your face right from the beginning.

o Bigger snore!

o Waddle more after the rocks are in.


o Great work on the giant scenes!

o When you come out of the wolf, wait for the laugh before you say your first line


o Better talking to Baker’s Wife, thank you. J


o Good job guys! Thanks for fixing those cues from last night!

o More rustling on the Mysterious Man’s offstage line.

o After Baker’s line “No more witches and dimwitted boys and hungry little girls”, go to new positions right as the baker exits.

o Bigger movement to stop Steward and Cinderella’s prince from coming through.



o Nice work guys!

o Math. No spot in act 1 finale


o Nice volume generally on the cues. A few timing things and mic issues. Let’s check in when we get there.


o So beautiful!

o Just a few changes; we can do them quick tonight.


o August: leave the rope slack on the ground when attached

o August: pull cow off when Baker’s wife runs after Cinderella (to the other side of the stage)

o Make sure you untie the cow rope before the next time the cow comes onstage.

o The Cow box was on a scene early.

o Great job with the limb!! Let’s try it tonight rolling it out with Jack/Baker on it already. I think it will work


o Just a few things. Let’s check in tonight. J

o One thing that’s important: who gets the spot kids down before curtain call? Math. got left up in the box. L

Today's Timing

I know some of you are supporting Seussical today by attending the 3pm show. Just a reminder that there are two lanes closed on I-205 North and it will take longer to get across the bridge- don't visit too long after the show! Call Time is 6:00pm.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Opening Night

We're excited for tonight's OPENING. Call time is 6pm. Please join us for the after party in Fort Vancouver's cafeteria after the show. Everyone is welcome- a $3 per family fee helps cover the cost of the building and staff. We'll have a DJ, so be ready to eat, drink, and DANCE!

More from Stephen:


o Robert: can you meet Cameron (Narrator) behind Cinderella’s house during the opening section to hand off the birds? That’s page 6 after his line “Cinderella’s stepmother had a surprise for her.” Then stay there to take the birds from him a few pages later. Awesome!


o You guys are doing great!

o We need to adjust the size of the spot so that each match. We’ll do this tonight. Remind me.

o Toby: You’re on the Narrator right after the curtain warmer.


o You guys are doing well, and I know it’s going to come together with more practice! Here’s some things I noticed to improve…

o Grand Drape (make sure it opens all the way)

o Black fabric great! Can we get a little more for white cabinet off stage left?

o Work taking raunzel’s tower off sl with witch on it (took long)

o Jack’s house entrance start on “As for the lad” (it was late and in the wrong place. Use very down stage left portal to push on.)

o Cow Rope (page 54) – have to tie it on to the cow before Abby takes it on for the scene.

o The cow Box!! (forgot it)

o Cind House off pg. 104 right on “fit to attend a prince” (it was late)

o We need to spike the Up stage placement for Cind Mother’s Tree when it’s just sitting up there.

o Cinderella’s mother’s tree needs to be OFFstage for all of act 2

o Tree limb in act two. Take on at beginning of song instead of during second verse. Put more crew on that, instead of trees, and have some crew stay on with it to be able to take it off quickly as soon as the audience starts to clap at the end of the song.


o It looked like cinderella’s slipper wasn’t as pure as gold in one scene. I assume there was a costume problem and that it’s fixed for tonight. If not, can you come talk to me? Thanks!


o The two things we didn’t talk about are on page 138. It looked like we had just the DSL area up at a weird time and no one was in it.

o Page 169. On Boom crunch!! I’m thinking we need some kind of dramatic light shift. It’s weird for her to finish that powerful of a song by just walking off stage. Thoughts?


o Laptop with sound cues loaded and ready to go. TEST each before show.

o Mic fixes for Rachel and Abby (witch and Baker’s Wife)

o Turn all leads volume down when the full cast enters to sing with them in the 4 big numbers

o I assume that as you go you are noting whether you turned mics on late, or early in each scene, correct? I know there were quite a few scenes tonight where the character’s mic came on during their second line.

o All the “squishes” need to be louder, as well as the rumblings. The footsteps are good. (but let’s do a volume test on each at around 5:30 so that we can make sure that with the laptop, things are still set well volume-wise.)

o Page 181 (song) When other characters join leads, turn down leads mics just a touch.

o Page 185. This is the biggest, loudest sound of all. The giant crashing to the ground. Short is fine (about 3 seconds long), but it has to happen right after Red’s line “She’s beginning to fall this way”

o Narrator’s mic needs to be on for page 83 coming straight out of the Second Midnight

o Page 93. That rumbling is super important here because the lines refer directly to “what was that noise”

o Narrator’s mic needs to be off the whole time during act 1 finale


o Witch age

o Alex’s beard. Did it slip down? It looked like we could see his entire real chin.


o Tree Fabric (so not see through)

o And yes, let’s go a head and trim the thatched roof so that when it’s down it’s not hanging over the edges. Other than that, if you could be there at 5 just for any last minute things, that would be great!

Notes Fom BACKSTAGE Parents

Notes from 5/20 dress rehearsal

I realize that this email is mostly reaching the parents of the back stage team. If possible, please share it with your kids before they leave for opening night of Into The Woods.

I do not want anyone to get disheartened by the following list, nor to take any item personally. It is the nature of the beast that rehearsal notes that are a list of "things gone wrong". When you think of the complexity of what we are achieving together many other things have gone right, we just don't talk about those things at this stage in the production. This list is to help us tighten up as a team and improve the audience experience. Thank you for all of your hard work on our production.
  1. At times crew and cast have to hustle back stage. Hustling never means running. Running with all of the encumbrances back stage (including fellow cast and crew members) results in collisions and causes injuries. We need to make sure that everyone is reminded of this during circle up.
  2. Cast with stage right entrances and exits need to be reminded how badly visible they are in this theatre. The are to be encouraged to wait in the upstage right wing, or just back stage for their entrances, and to walk back stage ASAP after exiting. This might require great team work for some scenes where the cast wait in single file in order of appearance in order to allow exiting cast room to leave. We need to make sure that everyone is reminded of this during circle up.
  3. At times items were stored in the back corridor in such a way that they blocked the corridor. Remember that this corridor is part of the emergency exit system for the facility. We can store things there but we need to maintain a wide path to allow a lot of people to leave quickly in an emergency. We can only place things along one wall and we must never “double park” items nor block any doors in the corridor. Similarly we can never block the main backstage door, or access to the door.
  4. We need more black drapes to hide the tall cabinet stage left. This was still visible from the audience.
  5. Something went wrong opening the grand drapes A1S1. The drape did not open all of the way stage right. We may need a crew member to spot this and free it if it does not open all of the way.
  6. Rupunzel’s tower got hung up on the legs coming off the first time. We need a parent to ensure that the legs are cleared by the exiting pieces.
  7. Jack’s house was late on (P49). We need to make sure that it is pre positioned and starts moving with the Baker’s exit. Start moving on the Baker’s line “Thank you”
  8. We missed putting the rope on the cow at P54 per these notes, see below. This meant that we could not pull the cow off and the cast had to push it off. Given that the cast is supposed to be reacting to the cow leaving without them this looked odd.
  9. The cow’s stomach got lost during the dress rehearsal. We are making it a back stage responsibility to find a home for this stage right and to attach before the cow goes on P96. Kristen could you assign this please?
  10. The fog barrel will be positioned in a different position for performances than for this dress rehearsal. The new position is behind the scrim and has been spiked. We will need to make sure that we get the houses well out of the way before we bring the barrel out. We need to leave room for Cinder's house to be pre-positioned during all of this activity. (It goes on immediately after the witch/fog scene). We will need to feed (a new longer) hose through under the scrim. The timing of the fog will be a 3 person job. Anna and Kristen are familiar with this. They need to dragoon a new helper (Eric)?
  11. We missed the cue to get Cinder’s house off P104. The note below is correct. When Cinder’s Mom sings the line “FIT TO ATTEND A PRINCE”.
  12. We have changed how the Beanstalk works. Kristen has been shown this. August has not yet. This change should allow us to raise it more quickly.
  13. The Beanstalk was late on. The cast have been told to watch for it coming on and give the crew space. We need to be more assertive in getting it on.
  14. We forgot to take Milky White off during 2nd act. She was highly visible to audience in stage right wing. She is not needed for the entire act and should be dismissed accordingly.
  15. We forgot to take Cinder’s Mom’s tree out for the 2nd act. In fact we left it on stage :-(.
  16. The limb is heavier and slower moving than we expected / planned for. We need to start moving it on stage at the start of Cinder’s song and not at its second stanza
  17. For the same reason it we need to get it off stage faster. One of the crew to stay hidden behind the limb through the scene and one other to wait stage right so that we can get it moving faster upon the cue.
  18. The limb can steer from the “ladder” end. The crew that are handling it may want to practice more steering it around.

Notes From Stephen

Into the woods Notes Final Dress 5/20/10

First of all, a big thank you to all! We have a show!! Here are some things to take us to the next level and ensure a quality production for the tonight (Friday) and for the rest of the run…

So attention, actors, tech, backstage, etc..



o I want to applaud the TREES for their awesome work, and the energy it takes to do their part!!

o ALL—practice words to the curtain call song! “Careful the…”

o ALL—when entering from Down Stage right, stay behind the second curtain back until right before your entrance otherwise we’ll see you.

o ALL—don’t run backstage. Come with enough time to make your cues safely

o ALL—REMINDER: Having an audience will change some things about the show. You keep doing what you’ve always done (don’t ‘ham’ it up), and remember to wait for LAUGHS.

o ALL—NO Talking or even whispering backstage!! We heard a lot that we shouldn’t have tonight, and you never know if your mic, or the person next to you’s mic is on and picking you up!!

o ALL IN 1 MIDNIGHT: End the crossing part way more downstage!! Right now you all end in a clump upstage and have to dance running into the trees. There’s plenty of space so adjust your crosses so that you end up closer to the audience!

o Pigs: Great Volume in midnight! (don’t forget that entrance after the second midnight)

o Hansel/Gretel, great timing on first entrance! (don’t forget that entrance after the second midnight)

o Bears—Nice job guys! Way to be on top of all your cues!! Make sure you keep up the growling. Especially before after Goldilock’s line in the second midnight. Then, in the second act when you accept Goldilocks, walk off together arm in arm.

o Abby A. GREAT baby Cry!! Thank you for being on your cues and on time!

o Hayden—Way to yell that line out there!!! That’s what we need from all those one-liners!

o “NO ONE IS ALONE” all-you have to remember to stand on “just remember, just remember” and start moving on “Someone is on your side”!!


o Check most notes with Rhonda

o Check the spike tape for the Up stage placement for Cind Mother’s Tree when it’s just sitting up there.

o Christopher: don’t forget the birds in act 2. The line that you’ll turn around and get them is when Jack says “If there were just some way to surprise her”

o During first giant scene, get to your clump earlier and make sure you’re not so far offstage that you have no light.

I will send individual actors notes separately.

TREE Notes

You guys are doing so good.. You add so much to the show. I have notes of things that need to be tweaked just because of sets and stage things. I'll try to go over them again with you tommorrow night.
Some rules - don't lock your knees, don't watch the action, stop moving please - only move/switch arm postions during black outs and applause - I know it's hard, but you guys can do it, if you drop a branch leave it until next move, don't look around, if laying down tuck feet behind you.
Act 1:
Baker and jack house wait for "Into the woods" to move - sorry my fault tonight.
Good transition to Cinderella's mother tree, but lets change the facing back part - just walk to your spots and face audiance right away.
Cinderella says "I'm off to get my wish" move to 4
During wolf song move very very slow to spot #6
#7 - Eve and Sierra (I think) you are in front of the witch when she has lines can you move to your right - just on the right of center stage.
When castle moves off with the witch on it, move to 8 during the princes lines, don't wait for him to finish. as soon as castle moves go.
Izzy to much moving to go back to 8 after 9 when you were moving in front of house, small motions.
Katrina - I believe it's #10 when Jacks house comes on. you were sitting in front of it and the crew couldn't put it were it belonged, so wait for the house and go behind it, then when it moves off move forward - it is ok for you to sit then.
#10 (every time you go here)- Cayleh and Racheal you are both in the front. You are coming way to far forward and it is messing up the blocking that the leads have. Stay back and stay behind the red curtain line.
Mocca and Christopher you should be even with the red curtain line
Baker's wife pulls hair and runs. move to spot 10 lets do slower and spins not fast chasses
Jack says to Lillte Red "You'll see" Cinderellas mother's tree has to come forward. Sierra, Tristin, and Micheal go to new spots on right of tree for the Witch's transformation.
#10 again front row get back
Nice moving to #3 after Witch transformation.
Last song in act 1- As soon as you hear :"though it's fearfull, though it's deep though it's dark" move to spots around dancers.
Act 2:
Cinderellas house - trees that move it go off the same way of the house
as that is happening all tree lines move on for song
Baker Wife says "100 paces go" then Little Red runs off - as shes running off - move to #3 faster, Shaina spin, everyone fall
From that scene, when Cinderella and Baker leave after "you'll be safe in our company" JUST SIT UP WHERE YOU ARE. then after Baker Wife screams during black out move to 6
At end of the Witch's solo she goes over by Tristin, Izzy, and someone else when she say "Boom Crunch" fall over away from her - so Izzy go back Tristin go to side other go back as well
"No More" at end when Baker moves off quickly get to 6
Tristin, Izzy, and Sierra make sure to leave room for the tree branch set piece behind you when you go to 6
Ending song - nice moving slowly to get to back of stage. Stay there until ending poses.
Bows move to lines when crew is walking back, don't wait until they are behind you.