Friday, May 21, 2010

Notes From Stephen

Into the woods Notes Final Dress 5/20/10

First of all, a big thank you to all! We have a show!! Here are some things to take us to the next level and ensure a quality production for the tonight (Friday) and for the rest of the run…

So attention, actors, tech, backstage, etc..



o I want to applaud the TREES for their awesome work, and the energy it takes to do their part!!

o ALL—practice words to the curtain call song! “Careful the…”

o ALL—when entering from Down Stage right, stay behind the second curtain back until right before your entrance otherwise we’ll see you.

o ALL—don’t run backstage. Come with enough time to make your cues safely

o ALL—REMINDER: Having an audience will change some things about the show. You keep doing what you’ve always done (don’t ‘ham’ it up), and remember to wait for LAUGHS.

o ALL—NO Talking or even whispering backstage!! We heard a lot that we shouldn’t have tonight, and you never know if your mic, or the person next to you’s mic is on and picking you up!!

o ALL IN 1 MIDNIGHT: End the crossing part way more downstage!! Right now you all end in a clump upstage and have to dance running into the trees. There’s plenty of space so adjust your crosses so that you end up closer to the audience!

o Pigs: Great Volume in midnight! (don’t forget that entrance after the second midnight)

o Hansel/Gretel, great timing on first entrance! (don’t forget that entrance after the second midnight)

o Bears—Nice job guys! Way to be on top of all your cues!! Make sure you keep up the growling. Especially before after Goldilock’s line in the second midnight. Then, in the second act when you accept Goldilocks, walk off together arm in arm.

o Abby A. GREAT baby Cry!! Thank you for being on your cues and on time!

o Hayden—Way to yell that line out there!!! That’s what we need from all those one-liners!

o “NO ONE IS ALONE” all-you have to remember to stand on “just remember, just remember” and start moving on “Someone is on your side”!!


o Check most notes with Rhonda

o Check the spike tape for the Up stage placement for Cind Mother’s Tree when it’s just sitting up there.

o Christopher: don’t forget the birds in act 2. The line that you’ll turn around and get them is when Jack says “If there were just some way to surprise her”

o During first giant scene, get to your clump earlier and make sure you’re not so far offstage that you have no light.

I will send individual actors notes separately.