You guys are doing so good.. You add so much to the show. I have notes of things that need to be tweaked just because of sets and stage things. I'll try to go over them again with you tommorrow night.
Some rules - don't lock your knees, don't watch the action, stop moving please - only move/switch arm postions during black outs and applause - I know it's hard, but you guys can do it, if you drop a branch leave it until next move, don't look around, if laying down tuck feet behind you.
Act 1:
Baker and jack house wait for "Into the woods" to move - sorry my fault tonight.
Good transition to Cinderella's mother tree, but lets change the facing back part - just walk to your spots and face audiance right away.
Cinderella says "I'm off to get my wish" move to 4
During wolf song move very very slow to spot #6
#7 - Eve and Sierra (I think) you are in front of the witch when she has lines can you move to your right - just on the right of center stage.
When castle moves off with the witch on it, move to 8 during the princes lines, don't wait for him to finish. as soon as castle moves go.
Izzy to much moving to go back to 8 after 9 when you were moving in front of house, small motions.
Katrina - I believe it's #10 when Jacks house comes on. you were sitting in front of it and the crew couldn't put it were it belonged, so wait for the house and go behind it, then when it moves off move forward - it is ok for you to sit then.
#10 (every time you go here)- Cayleh and Racheal you are both in the front. You are coming way to far forward and it is messing up the blocking that the leads have. Stay back and stay behind the red curtain line.
Mocca and Christopher you should be even with the red curtain line
Baker's wife pulls hair and runs. move to spot 10 lets do slower and spins not fast chasses
Jack says to Lillte Red "You'll see" Cinderellas mother's tree has to come forward. Sierra, Tristin, and Micheal go to new spots on right of tree for the Witch's transformation.
#10 again front row get back
Nice moving to #3 after Witch transformation.
Last song in act 1- As soon as you hear :"though it's fearfull, though it's deep though it's dark" move to spots around dancers.
Act 2:
Cinderellas house - trees that move it go off the same way of the house
as that is happening all tree lines move on for song
Baker Wife says "100 paces go" then Little Red runs off - as shes running off - move to #3 faster, Shaina spin, everyone fall
From that scene, when Cinderella and Baker leave after "you'll be safe in our company" JUST SIT UP WHERE YOU ARE. then after Baker Wife screams during black out move to 6
At end of the Witch's solo she goes over by Tristin, Izzy, and someone else when she say "Boom Crunch" fall over away from her - so Izzy go back Tristin go to side other go back as well
"No More" at end when Baker moves off quickly get to 6
Tristin, Izzy, and Sierra make sure to leave room for the tree branch set piece behind you when you go to 6
Ending song - nice moving slowly to get to back of stage. Stay there until ending poses.
Bows move to lines when crew is walking back, don't wait until they are behind you.