I know you received an email this morning regarding our TICKET CONTEST GRAND PRIZE- Dinner with the Directors. We also reward any family selling 20 or more tickets with CYT Bucks and an invitation to our Spring Ticket Party at Lewisville Park. Anyone who sells tickets during the week is included in our drawing for a special treat announced during class breaks.
Our Into the Woods Ticket Sales Goals are:
$16,000 for weekend shows. (About 1525 tickets. 255 per performance)
$2,400 for school day shows (this goal has been met!)
157 tickets have sold for Into the Woods; with ticket revenue of $1353. This does not include school days - which are right about 450 tickets sold. They are all for the morning performance. It would be great to sell 200 to the noon show! There are about 20 sold so far.
Families get ticket credit for ALL three shows! Remind the purchaser to list your name when ordering tickets- so you can receive credit.