To my fellow travelers in the woods,
I must admit that preparing to direct this show without knowing the talent or commitment level of the kids and parents I would be working with was a frightening task. What an enormous show we just put on! Often still, I stop and just ponder, “how on earth did we just do that?!” But we pulled it off, my friends! By the continued grace of God combined with the hard work of everyone involved, we made a very exciting, thought-provoking show. So the thanks goes to each of you.
Thank you Cast… for your preparedness coming into the rehearsals, for your attitudes of service and willingness to learn and be directed, and for investing yourselves in this story 100%.
Thank you Crew… for meeting the challenges head on and not backing down, for troubleshooting issues on your own as well as seeking and respecting advice when needed, and for your kind and joyful spirits.
And thank you parents… for supporting your kids in a thousand and one different ways during this process, for the endless hours spent on committee duties, and for your own desire for artistic excellence, evident in multiple aspects of our final creation.
Thank you to all. Thank you for going into the woods on this journey with myself, Starleen, Rhonda, Lynette… thank you for pushing forward even in tough moments and for respecting each other along the way. I thank God for the environment of support and collaboration we were able to create together in these few short weeks, and I am constantly amazed to see his hand working as it has guided our entire process.
I challenge us all to remember the story we just told, that it may also affect us. Be careful the things you say and do; children and other people really are looking to you to be an example. Especially for those of us who claim to follow the God of the universe, people are studying us to see how we act and how we treat the people around us. Are we any different? Are we kinder, more thoughtful, caring people? Or are we flailing through the woods of life like everyone else, ignoring our neighbors while scrounging for what we want?
It’s a tall order to live ‘worthy’ of bearing Jesus’ name, and though most times we certainly don’t do it justice, He gives us a new chance every day. It’s a name worth bearing, because a life with Him is the fullest life I could ever imagine!
I love you guys. Thanks for letting me be a part of your world these last months; it’s been so much fun! I hope to hang out and work with you all again!
May the peace of God which passes all understanding be upon you all.
Stephen Pick